Sunday, November 24, 2013


So I will give details tomorrow when I'm not as tired and everything, but I got home safely and if it was not for me, roommate would not have gotten his puppy and that kind of made me feel good because it made me feel needed and like I did something worthwhile and that maybe I don't suck as much as I think.  

But yeah, roommate finally found the puppy he wanted and I was a key part in obtaining him because they originally denied his application and I went in and basically persuaded otherwise and gave ideas on how to verify who we worked for and that he had a steady income and all. 

So that, again, felt really good for me to be able to help with.  The puppy is, by the way, super adorable and Callie seemed to like him!  Though she will like him better when he gets bigger.  Right now he is still a baby so she can't really play with him as much as she can with bigger dogs and everything. 

Again, I'll give more deets when I don't feel like I'm about to fall asleep while typing. 

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