Saturday, October 26, 2013


So while game theory was more than a little frustrating, I then spent...basically the rest of the day playing Pokemon.  Though I still only have 5 badges.

My party now is: Umbreon, Pidgeot, Delphox, Blastoise, Ampharos, and Gardevoir.

But...I did just catch a Goomy.  And not only is he adorable, but I'm sure his final evolution is the pseudo-legendary of this generation.  Really, I want to get rid of Pidgeot, but it is kind of necessary I have someone who can use fly.

My other option would be to box Gardevoir, since Delphox is also a psychic type, Gardevoir does really well for me.  As in she hasn't fainted in quite some time at all and she still only has Confusion as her main psychic move.

Wahhh I don't know what to do.  I might just end up training seven at a time, which will be annoying, but.  I want more.  I want more Pokemons.

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