Sunday, October 27, 2013

I spent the day reading and playing pokemon and I am more than okay with this.  I did take Callie to the park so she could run around, and she was out the rest of the day when we got back.  It was kind of awesome, since beforehand she had been whining and begging for attention while we were trying to work and everything.

Speaking of Pokemon, I did remove Pidgeot from my team to make room for Goomy, though I might rotate and everything.  Gardevoir and Delphox are done with super training, and I have six badges.  I swear, the mini games and everything make me take a lot longer to get through the story.  Oh well.

I feel as though I ate too much today, but I know my judgment isn't exactly right a lot of times.

Though something is wrong with me if I am totally okay with staying isolated practically all day and doing this for weeks on end.

Maybe tomorrow I will post a feels post but I think it is bedtime right not.

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