Sunday, October 13, 2013

Wine Tour

So the wine tour was a lot of fun, though no one threw up and not one person seemed to get belligerently wasted.  Which is apparently a first in wine tour history.  But it was fun to run around to the different wineries and stuff!  I won't lie, I got tired around five and kind of wanted to head home right then, but we ended up not getting back until nine.  That's okay.  And McKenna had a really good time too!  It was nice hanging out with her and seeing her and everything.

I did stop drinking after the third winery, though.  Simply because I could feel my mood dropping significantly with more alcohol I was consuming, and I did not want to turn into a big depressed mess on this thing.  So I figured the best thing to do would be to stop and all.

Roommate's girlfriend really bothered me; she seemed to get very clingy to him whenever I would be talking to him, and at one point when we were eating dinner, she wanted to sit down with us.  We were on benches, and he shifted closer to me to make room for her on the other side, and she forced him to move away from me so that she was in between us.  Which really angered me.  I don't know why she still sees me as a threat, honestly.  Because that is the only explanation for her behaviour, really.

I picked up my copy of Pokemon X, but I'm holding off until tomorrow to play it since I promised roommate that I would wait for his copy to show up from amazon and we could start it at the same time.  It is going to be difficult, but I have Kingdom Hearts to play today and I want to go walk puppies since I haven't in two weeks and I feel bad.  Plus, you know, I have plenty of work I should be doing and whatnot.

I'm still really tired.

I was telling McKenna about my inability to connect with anyone and the emotionless/depressed void I've been trapped in for a while.  That even when I meet people, I don't feel much of anything, so nothing ever comes of it.  She hugged me and said she wanted to make me an OKCupid profile.  Which was amusing to me.

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