Monday, October 7, 2013

So instead of getting work done I started Dream Drop Distance and I forgot how much I enjoy Kingdom Hearts, and since this one returns to the main characters, it is really sweet so far (plus, any chance I have to play as Riku is kind of amazing because he is wonderful and seriously my high school fangirl came out a little bit when I got to play as him).  Oh, and the first world involves the cast from The World Ends With You; so seeing Riku and Joshua in the same scene kind of made me way too happy.  And of course Sora would immediately trust Neku upon first seeing him (though I loved that Neku was very "wtf is wrong with you" at that).

Really, I'd much rather be continuing that than reading.  The reading never ends and since Pokemon comes out on Saturday I'd like to get through a good chunk of this game by then!  I...doubt I'll be able to finish it, but still.

I already warned Brendan: although the wine tour is on Saturday, I can't promise that I will not get my copy of the game and play it while on the bus.  Just saying.

I was texting that guy from the Streetlight concert two days ago and I just...I don't know.  I'm not feeling it.  I'm not.  Then again, I never do, so that isn't exactly surprising to me.

Not that anything would really happen anyway.  I'm a fucking PhD student living in Binghamton.  I don't do anything other than work.  And when I'm not working, you can bet your ass I'm not outside socializing.

I still have a whole ton of feels I haven't really been able to get out but I'm in this mode of not really caring about much, which is probably why I opted to play a game for most of my time when I got home today, and also why I bought the system even though I probably should be saving my money.

Maybe one day I'll just dump an entire feels post somewhere idefk.

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