Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Paper idea

My Congress class never goes for the full time and I am 100% okay with this.  Though the day that it actually does go for the entire three hours is going to feel absolutely awful and long and I hope that it never comes to that!

I may have figured out a paper for one of my classes - for my IR class, we don't need to write on something in IR, which is good for me.  But my professor does want something which is difficult to measure, and for us to take a risk, so to say.  So, what with the government shutdown and everything, I was thinking something like...has the rise of the Tea Party caused a decline in the quality of legislation.  And then when I was discussing this idea with one of the third years, he said he would point me towards something which looked at the reading level of judge's opinions.  So it would be cool to see some sort of relationship between the rise of the Tea Party and its hijacking of the Republicans and a dumbing down of legislative proposals and laws.

IT'D BE REALLY FUNNY actually.  Political science humour right there.

So I don't know if this is possible but I think it might be fun to look at.  Honestly, to me, the Tea Party is horrid but fascinating.  Like in a "watching a train wreck" kind of way.

I want to get some things done before heading down to Philly.  I think I'm going to try and leave here by three.  Also I'm going to take Cornelius because he seems fine again and...I really don't want to rent a car.  Though I will regret this decision if he breaks down on the way there or back.

I'm excited, yet tired.  I should probably nap or something, but I really want to get work done since I'm effectively losing tonight and tomorrow morning for concert and driving.  Which I'm okay with; it just means I need to work now...even though I don't want to.

I am a bit bummed that no one I know is going to this concert too, but oh well.  It isn't like I haven't ridden solo before, and I know I definitely won't care once Streetlight comes on!

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