Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Sent something that is particularly harsh and I don't even care.  Really, it is me finally standing up for myself and calling him out on this bullshit of his and how he doesn't really seem to give two fucks about what he actually did to me.  Despite saying there is no justification for his actions, I wonder if he actually believes that, because he keeps giving me stupid justifications for hurting me and for leaving the way he did.  He keeps saying that he only did things wrong after our relationship ended, when that was not true either.

The fact that he could tell me "relationships are risky" tells me more about him than anything else he has said in this entire email exchange, and shows me that I really did get out of something that would have been awful in the end, because in no universe does he deserve my serious and loving commitment to him, in any way, shape, or form.

In response to my understanding and my love and my sacrifices, he repaid me with abandonment.

Instead of trying to save us by talking to me about things, he up and left, and bounced back from us so incredibly fast.

I deserve more than that.  For all I did for him.  I deserve so much more than that garbage.

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