Monday, October 28, 2013

Instead of being productive, once I finished the book for tomorrow I pretty much sat around, played Pokemon, and watch SVU with roommate all day and it was nice.  I did take Callie to the park again for a while.  At one point she started digging in a muddy area and then just plopped down in it.  She's gross, but I love her even more for it, really.  Someone laughed and told me that it was awesome of me to tolerate her always getting dirty when we go to the park.  That other people just wouldn't go.  I said that all that matters is that she has fun.  I could care less about the back seat of Cornelius, seriously.  Though when new car happens, I will probably care a lot more.  But when that happens I'll also get things to protect my seats and everything.

I said I was going to post something feels-related probably today but...probably not going to actually.  Because my mind is kind of blank.  I mean yeah, I've been thinking about some stuff between yesterday and today but Pokemon and SVU provide some nice distractions.

I know I'm not doing myself any favours in distracting my mind, because once it is not distracted, it immediately turns to bad stuff.  The distractions help me temporarily feel...well, not better, but okay.  In the short run.  I know that they are not really helping me deal with things.  But sometimes I want a weekend where I feel okay.  Where I just am playing games and watching shows and not stressing too much about my work and my life and I had that this weekend.  And for some reason I feel a little guilty for it.  Even though I shouldn't, really.

But I feel guilty that I wasn't as productive as I could have been, among other reasons.

Hallowmas in a few days.  Whee.

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