Tuesday, October 29, 2013

I was talking to my parents and I was trying to convey to my dad the extent of my apathy and my emotionless state.  I don't know if I actually did convey that to him though, because he mentioned that I sounded like I was okay and everything.  I explained that I legitimately do not care about pretty much anything, with the exception of Callie, and so, it is difficult for me to get motivated to do much of anything.  But I did also explain this in the context of having no breaks between the end of August and the end of November, so I wonder if he took it just as exhaustion.  

Though I did also...kind of explain my implosion of feelings and the shutting down and everything.  I don't know.  I guess I sound better than I actually feel.  But that isn't a surprise.  That is kind of how I am a lot of times? 

I started looking back at some of my facebook stuff from 2011 and that was a terrible idea. 

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