Monday, October 21, 2013

So I decided to go to the dog park after my office hours today and it was good for a while until that guy with the problematic German Shepherd showed up.  That dog just acts super fucking dominant and tries to mount Callie and she doesn't like it and he doesn't let her play with anyone else and the guy doesn't do anything about it.  So I took her out and she went down to the stream and played with a Saint Bernard off-leash and that pup's parents were awesome.  I swear the dad was like the fucking dog whisperer.  Callie took to him immediately and I could easily see why.  Only thing is that the guy with the Shepherd didn't take the hint and followed us, and didn't take the hint again when we tried going back to the fenced in area.  I just did not want Callie to get distressed again with that dog.  But the Saint Bernard's parents were with us and helped out.  And then we saw, as we were leaving, a Great Pyrenees puppy and holy shit this thing was basically just a little ball of fluff and it was so fucking cute.

Then I struggled to read and so only got 100 pages done.  Same as yesterday.

I finally put in my Streetlight Lullabies cd and it is wonderful.  I got kind of sad and stuff though, for no real reason.


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