Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Got my fourth badge after taking a long nap today, which was absolutely needed.  I have not done any work after my class this morning, which is really bad of me, I know.  I might try and do stuff now or soon, because I'm not as tired as usual.  Though I'm also feeling very unproductive.  Not that that is anything new, really.  

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, and I'm supposed to meet with the TAs to come up with a rubric for the essay they're handing in next week.  So.   That will be fun. 

I had a dream that I punched my ex-roommate in the face and screamed at him, but then people were angry with me.  I was most distressed that one of the secretaries was really angry and basically wouldn't look at me and it was really distressing.  When I told my friend, he laughed and told me that wasn't a realistic reaction.  People would love me if I did that, he said.  

It will be one week until Hallowmas tomorrow.  ...Gotta find a way down there, though.

Been a week.

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