Monday, October 7, 2013

Class today was interesting mostly because we were talking about Congress and since I think I'm going to end up as a Congressional/judicial scholar in my future, I was really attentive and everything.  I might want to think about the whole idea of Congress as a player in the foreign policy arena and figure out a possible way to write a paper on it.  I'm really actually interested in this whole idea of Congress acting as a player in the game of foreign policy and specifically conflict/militarized policy.  I might have to think about this more and everything.

I'm feeling weird today; I feel like I'm going back and forth between this emotionless void feeling and feeling excited about Pokemon and everything.  It is weird.  I'm not too happy about the end of conversation, since again, it feels like it abruptly ended when he chose it to and when I kind of was starting to ask things and hint at things that were perhaps more difficult to answer or address.  Which is annoying, to say the very least, but what the shit ever.

I asked my friend for a commission and she finally finished it!  It's really cool and eeee I love it.

Me with my main doggie pokemon!  This was in response to one time Michelle telling me that she was imagining me with a team of Herdiers only, so I wanted a commission of me with my favourite doggie pokemon aha.  

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