Wednesday, May 14, 2014

This is a Rage-filled post.

I do an excellent job at coming up with paper ideas that are way too fucking complex for final class projects.

For publishable ideas, they are okay, I suppose.

But when I can't find data, don't know the literature, and feel that it might be best to change my dependent variable and thus my overall fucking question two days before this shit is due?  Yeah that is never fucking fun whatsoever.

Oh, and when I get a bunch of bullshit comments back for my other paper that is due soon, all of which I'm expected to address even if I did in the paper already, that's always nice!  Seriously, I think that my prof is just pissed that I changed my topic so late and that despite his objections I still did it.  And even though I've said on multiple occasions that getting certain data that he keeps asking for is fucking impossible because of the nature of the shit I'm looking at.  Finding how many times the President bypassed both the FISC and Congress?  Yeah, no, that shit is not observable.  Hell, even finding out how many times he goes to Congress can't be observed!  Does that mean my findings mean nothing?  No.  Fuck you, I want to look at covert affairs, which is difficult because of these very problems.  But I refuse to not look at these things just because you have some weird vendetta against me and just want to point out shit that makes no sense whatsoever.

Also "if this goes to a law and courts reviewer..."  Sorry man, when I try to get this out, it is not going to a fucking law and courts journal.  If it doesn't make the top three - which I imagine it won't - the subjournals I will look at will be ones for foreign policy.  So screw that.

And I have no idea how you want me to frame this at all.  I explained my theory and then my variables (which I explained and then you claimed I didn't, so fun for me) and then my model and all that fun stuff and you're telling me I'm combining two different styles or something?  I'm going to follow my own fucking style, you are the first prof to have a problem with it.

Oh, and "your outline needs an outline."  What the fuck does this even mean.


Holy shit I might take this paper to my adviser - aka someone who actually knows what he is doing and what he is talking about.  Just to see if I'm being insane or if all these comments are fucking bullshit and make no sense whatsoever.

I swear this is a vendetta thing.

I want to flip tables right now, holy fucking Christ.

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