Saturday, May 31, 2014

So I thought that I would just run out and test drive some stuff this morning and that was it.  That I would go around, get some information here and there, and then return home and compare prices and deals and see what was best.  At first, I went out with the intention of getting a used car.

But then, hours later, after looking around and talking with people, I ended up locking myself in to a lease for a new 2013 Nissan Sentra, all decked out with accessories and shit.  Seriously, I think I have around or over $6000 in extra shit.  Why?  Because the already great deal that they were going to give me when I went to them around 2 or so was based on the basic 2014 model, and the ones they were going to lease to me were sold.  So, they decided to give me this one instead, for the same price, which again was awesome due to the fact that my dad knew the manager of the place.  So negotiating wasn't even necessary.  He just did a name drop and that was it.

And then after that was all done I met up with and had dinner with a great friend of mine who was visiting from the city.  I don't think I've seen him in months.  It was great talking to him, and I was able to talk out some more things and realize some stuff...which I really - again - should write about sometime soon.

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