Friday, May 9, 2014

Despite getting more than enough sleep, I have been extremely tired and lethargic and feeling kind of sick.  Which is, you know, great.  Considering I have things to do and places to go and shit.  I went to bed around midnight, got up at 5:30, then again at 8:30, and then I went back to bed around 9:45, and didn't get up until around noon?  Yeah, I should be fucking awake but I am not.  Yay.

Also I do not appreciate this 70+ degree weather already, seriously.  I really don't like the heat, and I was hoping for some spring weather before this shit hit.

I said two hours ago that I was going to take Callie to Petco so that we could go to the cookie bar and so that she could go out and I could get out of the house and everything.  ...I need to do that.  My treat stash from Christmas has pretty much run out.

Didn't get to talk to my political parties professor due to feeling like shit, but I guess I can always email her any questions if I have.  This paper being done on Monday is actually kind of awesome, considering then I can spend next week working on my IR paper, which I haven't looked at in a while.

I had weird dreams again, though I don't remember most of what happened, I guess.  Certain people made an appearance, but that's not new.

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