Wednesday, May 21, 2014

I started learning how to code the protest data, and I am hoping that I will get faster at this because I feel like I spent way too much time figuring things out.  Blame it on my perfectionism, I suppose.  That pretty much sucked up my day today, between going to the meeting from 10 to around 2:15, and then going to agility from 4 to 5, and then trying to figure out coding stuff after that.  I might make myself do another country tomorrow to keep trying to figure out how to do shit.

I can already tell that LexisNexis is going to be a pain in the ass, though.

Also, Supernatural gave me too many feels tonight.  Holy shit.

Since I've still been busy, I still have yet to address certain things that need to be addressed because I am a terrible terrible person.

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