Sunday, May 11, 2014

Due to circumstances at Target, I migrated to campus, where former friend-guy was, unbeknownst to me.  He showed up at computer lab as I was working and kind of tried to talk to me, though I was really cold and shit because he probably is one of the last people I wanted to see and talk to.  He left and then returned after checking fb, and said that he thought that if he checked he would see why I responded the way that I did.

At first, he said he didn't want to bother me while I was working, but since he already was doing that, I just told him why: that I thought it hypocritical and gross that he would flirt with me and shit while simultaneously posting on there how much he adores and loves his girlfriend.  And that I did not want to see that shit anymore.  I did say that I was angry with myself as well, since I know that I shouldn't do that with someone who is in a relationship, as it is not fair and is kind of gross and shit.

He said that he could not talk to me over the summer and after some silence I just said that that would probably be best.  I wouldn't look at him, because I was angry and sad and all that fun shit.

After he left, I angrily tried writing a few more sentences but after I couldn't correctly spell the word 'foreign' for some fucking reason, I just chose to sit and stare into space.

Then of course, since I was already sad, I looked at pictures of me with the ex when we were happy and shit, which made things fucking worse.  And that stupid lump in my throat started forming and I just was thinking about how everyone I come to have feelings for ends up doing terrible shit to me and how I am a naive idiot who keeps hoping that they will show me that they are not horrible human beings and because of that hope I keep getting disappointed and keep wanting to shut everyone out.  Fuck, I even still hold a small sliver of hope that the ex could actually be the decent person I thought he was, but that is just there because...I don't really know why.  I know that despite that small hope, nothing will change.  He won't.  Former friend-guy won't.  Because they are the people who end up with friends and people who love and adore them despite everything they've done and do.

Whereas I am the person who ends up feeling alone and sad despite trying to do the right thing.

I don't want this to sound like a "nice guys finish last" argument, because that really is not what I'm trying to get at here.  It is more that I am just ignorant to the horribleness of people, sometimes, and put too much faith in them.  That the faith I once had caused me to hurt, because I refused to see and acknowledge what was right in front of me.

1 comment:

  1. 'After a while you learn
    the subtle difference between
    holding a hand and chaining a soul
    and you learn
    that love doesn't mean leaning
    and company doesn't always mean security.
    And you begin to learn
    that kisses aren't contracts
    and presents aren't promises
    and you begin to accept your defeats
    with your head up and your eyes ahead
    with the grace of woman, not the grief of a child
    and you learn
    to build all your roads on today
    because tomorrow's ground is
    too uncertain for plans
    and futures have a way of falling down
    in mid-flight.
    After a while you learn
    that even sunshine burns
    if you get too much
    so you plant your own garden
    and decorate your own soul
    instead of waiting for someone
    to bring you flowers.
    And you learn that you really can endure
    you really are strong
    you really do have worth
    and you learn
    and you learn
    with every goodbye, you learn...'

    It's a poem I like, copied and pasted. Some people grow bitter because of the scars of lessons that people inflict on them- and they let these weak and disloyal people destroy their lives because they think these same people care. Anyone friends with these weak and disloyal people are probably just as weak and disloyal.

    Some people grow strong and wise, measure their worth, not in scum, but in who they are inside- knowing their true worth even if not admitting it to themselves; having the strength to do what's right and just in a world that shuns that- and what they have to offer a good person.

    I am sorry for the hurt you suffer. But 'scars' can become beautiful.
