Saturday, May 10, 2014

Steak dinner and Cards Against Humanity = fantastic.

Crazy bad headache, feeling tired all fucking day, sad feels creeping up on me suddenly = not so much.

...This was going to be more in depth, but staring at my computer is only making head feel worse.

Also, something nice which was told to me recently concerning my...issues with my judicial politics prof was that if I for some reason got a bad grade in that class, red flags would be raised, but not against me, because there have been plenty of people who have seen me in action and apparently really like what I do.

So yay.

And I loved that when I realized I interpreted my negative binomial regression incorrectly in the draft of my paper, the prof I go to for all the methods stuff told me basically not to worry about fixing it because the person I'm writing it for "won't know the difference anyway."  Aka - don't worry about it right now, especially if you have other things you need to get done.

That was kind of awesome.  (Though at the same time now I will want to fix it just because I know it is wrong myself.  Blehhhh.)

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