Thursday, May 8, 2014

Alright, I actually can go on for a while but let's see if that actually happens because I am tired and I should be sleeping or at the very least doing this peer review that I'm supposed to have done by tomorrow but I of course do not.  Hah.  Story of my life lately, especially for this fucking class.

Anyway, last day of IR class, and I couldn't bullshit as effectively I could for other topics, because, again, economics is not exactly an area I am familiar with.  And you know...I really don't find it very interesting, personally.  So I just kind of sat there, but I wasn't alone.

The fun stuff came after class.  There was a GSO Senate meeting, and guests are able to attend.  Since the executive board was trying to push forth a new referendum for the activity fees, which our department believed unconstitutional, a huge chunk of us showed up at the meeting.  First...holy shit these people have no fucking idea how a government is supposed to work and even less of an idea of how laws are read and what the fuck 'rule of law' is.  Oh, and separation of powers appears to be a foreign concept to them.  When you have the political science department saying that having the legislature also act as the judiciary body is a fucking terrible idea, you should probably listen.  I mean, we are the ones who know about this shit.  When it comes to political process, we are the experts in the room.  And when we tell you that the way that the executive board was trying reading the constitution was just wrong, you should also listen (they were trying to treat a subsection as its own section and that justified their new referendum and etc., etc., it was a load of horseshit).  Of course, their departments got all angry because how dare we tell them how the process should go.  Even though 2 hours were then spent fucking debating about process.

It kind of felt analogous to when an environmental scientist is in a room talking about climate change, and people who have maybe a high school knowledge of the subject at best are sitting there telling her that she is wrong.

I had to leave after the two hours, because I was meeting with best friend for dinner, but apparently (I was getting live updates from former friend-guy) what happened was that the Senate voted that the second referendum was indeed unconstitutional.  Then, instead of accepting defeat, the GSO President decided to campaign for people to change their minds, and, after also wrestling with the idea of going to a separate body (which I found funny because they spent so much time earlier in the meeting talking about how we shouldn't do that and we should solve these conflicts internally because we are autonomous and shit), then do another revote.  Once again, the Senate voted that the second referendum was unconstitutional.  Apparently she was still not happy and did not want to back down, saying that they would stay there all night if they had to (you know, until she got the result she wanted).  However, someone motioned to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded and whatever other protocol that needed to happen to end it happened.  So, basically, we won after starting an uproar.  (Funny, actually, apparently the executive board was very very unhappy when they realized that a bunch of poli sci people came out, because we were the department which was the loudest about this whole thing being corrupt as shit.)


I was set to meet best friend in Cortland at 8, so I left a little after 7 to head over.  As I'm driving on I-81, she calls me and tells me that someone was going the wrong way on a one-way street, and that to avoid this idiot, she had to sharply swerve into the curb to avoid them.  However, in doing this, the tire ripped, and so she wasn't going to be able to make it down to Cortland in time.  After debating about whether or not I should travel all the way to Syracuse due to my assignment for tomorrow not being done, I decided I was going to head up there anyway because fuck assignments.  I wanted to see her!  And she also called me again asking if I could go up because she was stressing and freaking out and all.

When I got to her, she had already put the donut on, so I followed her to the rental place she got it from so she could switch it out.  Luckily, they didn't give her a hard time or anything.  We then went to nom dinner, and I got prime rib and she got a bone-in ribeye.  I got to take her leftovers, which was especially awesome because I think I liked the ribeye better than the prime rib.  My god it was excellent.

We sat and talked and nommed, though I was sad that we couldn't have more time together.  Hopefully our next reunion will not be cut so short.

At my session yesterday, I mentioned how the kitten was named Elsa after the snow queen in Frozen.  After I did that, Nancy asked me if I identified with the character Elsa, and I said that I did completely.  She mentioned that when she watched it, she actually did think of me, because she thought that Elsa and I were very similar.  Really, she is probably the Disney character I relate to the most, with her anxiety and depression and fears and her inability to show her true self and her wanting to protect (or in my case, make them happy, I suppose) others even if it means isolating or hurting herself.  My being able to relate to her in those ways contributes to why I really love that movie so much.  (I mean of course, I love the whole 'true love' = sisterly love in that too, as I have three sisters.  That is also fantastic.)

But I just thought it was interesting that I was not alone in thinking that Elsa and I were comparable.

Didn't get to respond to stuff due to hectic day today.

Sleep time now.

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