Sunday, May 11, 2014

I'm in Target and a) some chick was in the spot with the only available outlet so unless she moves before my battery runs out I'm going to have to migrate; and b) the two loudest fucking people decided to sit right next to me even though there are so many open tables around and I am obviously working.  I know that I should not really complain because I am in a public place but fuck, seriously?  Why'd you have to sit at the table that is adjacent to mine even with all these other empty ones?

Doesn't help that I forgot my headphones.  Of course.

I guess if anything I can go to the computer lab on campus.  I usually do well in there too.

Also I'm writing this paper as a theory of convergence and now I'm wondering if I should actually rewrite it as a theory of international cooperation.  Then again, framing this as a theory of convergence on foreign policy makes more sense, considering this paper is for my political parties class.  Just, the way that I am writing this makes it so that I am going to need to argue for two regressions: first one to see if cartel parties do converge on foreign policy, and second to see if that changes the McGullivray and Smith theory at all.

Bah.  I'm going to walk around a bit.  Maybe when I come back they will be gone.  

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