Sunday, May 25, 2014

Even though I should stop, I'm still reading about the Santa Barbara shooting and how mainstream media seems to be downplaying how this is an issue about misogyny, not mental illness.

And then I am seeing men laud this piece of shit as a hero, saying that women could have prevented this is they just fucked him and it is all so fucking angering and just...sad.  It really is.  It is disheartening that there are so many people out there who would defend him.  It is.

I started looking up places where I could learn martial arts.  Specifically, I'm looking for Krav Maga classes.

Enjoyed my day outside with family, and I played with Callie and the hose for a while.  As in, I turned on the mist and sprayed her and stuff as she ran back and forth and it was a lot of fun.

Still aware that I should talk about other serious things, but.  I don't want to right now.


  1. The media has an agenda so I don't watch it but he was a pathetic little wanker with 'nice guy syndrome'. Too stupid to realize the reason women didn't find him attractive was because he felt sorry for himself, was passive aggressive and concluding that women, 'must' therefore prefer to be treated like shit by 'brutes'.

    The 'men' who celebrate him aren't men. He murdered three men to begin with. They are cockroaches.

    1. Yeah, if he saw women as people maybe they would have liked him more. And you are right. They are terrible, but there seems to be an unfortunate amount of them. Not the majority, not by a long shot, but they are certainly very loud.

    2. I agree with you. Look after yourself. By the way, you might like the link below: especially around the one minute mark. About media representation of these cowards.
