Wednesday, May 7, 2014

My bullshitting skills shall be put to this test today.  Because not only did I not read any of these articles due to writing the FISC paper all day yesterday, but the topic is about economic international institutions which I know absolutely nothing about, basically.  And am honestly really uninterested in anyway.  Economic stuff was always boring as shit to me.

I didn't get to meet up with best friend yesterday, so I'm hoping that I can do so today.  The idea of not seeing her while she is in New York is unfathomable to me.  But since the draft of that paper has been submitted, I don't feel as guilty about taking some time today going up to see her.

There is something I need to reply to today.  Was going to do so yesterday but I was dealing with anxiety about it and know, paper.

Had a strange conversation with former friend-guy last night, which involved I think some flirtation?  And the fact that I kept going with it despite his relationship status is kind of gross of me when I think about it.  But my morality took a back seat because I was enjoying the back-and-forth too much and was too tired to stop it.  Which again, is gross of me.

"I find that I start comparing people to my ex, which is unfair."

"But it's human."

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