Friday, May 30, 2014


After spending some time on agility training and playtime with Callie, I decided to start the first book in the A Song of Ice and Fire series (aka - Game of Thrones).  It is the first book I've picked up for fun reading since...I don't know, more than two years ago?  I think the last thing I truly read for fun was The Hunger Games trilogy.

Despite going through the HBO series super quickly, I didn't really think I was going to get into the novels.  Reading for fun usually doesn't interest me anymore, since I read all the time for school, and I heard that George R.R. Martin's writing style was a bit Tolkien-ish.  Now don't get me wrong, I love Tolkien's stories, but sometimes he was a bit...excessive with the descriptions for my taste, and made it hard for me to read through a lot in one sitting.

Yeah no.  I'm over 200 pages in.

It is so fucking good, holy shit.

I'm really sad about knowing what is going to happen because I fucking love the Starks, especially Ned.  Even more than I did in the show.  (Though I suppose that is somewhat unfair, since the majority of what I have read so far has been following the Starks.)

Truthfully I do get a bit weirded out over some of the ages, having gotten used to them being aged up in the show for reasons and because of my modern upbringing, I guess, but I try to not let that bother me all too much.

On a weird note, former friend-guy, who I said I didn't want to speak with over the summer because of reasons I have gone through, sent me a squishable snapchat picture.  And while it was cute, I was also a bit unsettled.  Luckily though, book quickly sucked me in again and I didn't think much about it.  Book also kept me from thinking a lot about ex today, which was awesome (though for a fleeting moment I couldn't help but wonder if he would like it...I kind of doubt it, for some reason).

Eventually I'll maybe get to my most recent thoughts on that front (and I know I've said this too many times), but at the same time, I've been in a good mood lately, and I'm worried that if I think too too much about it right now I will ruin that.

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