Thursday, May 8, 2014

Ever since I got back from the doggie park I have just been sad and tired and I don't really care about anything right now, which is probably why I've effectively wasted the last few hours doing absolutely nothing.  I probably should have looked at stuff for my political parties paper since that is due on Monday but meh.  Whatever.  It'll get done eventually, I guess.

I just really don't give a fuck right now.  About pretty much everything.

Man, I should sleep.  My exhaustion is definitely not helping this situation at all.

Good thing about today is that it was my last class for this semester thank the fucking lord.  And the person who was peer-reviewing my paper told me it was crazy interesting so once again score for me and that paper idea.  Huzzah.

Oh, small annoyance of the day.  Statisticians, when you write log in an equation instead of ln, I assume it is base 10, not base e.  Get your shit together.

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