Tuesday, May 20, 2014

After I sent in my final paper, the rest of the day was spent cleaning my room (which was absolutely disgusting and needed it so fucking badly, and I didn't even do as much as I should have done), taking the pups to the park, and then watching A Very Potter Musical with roommate and eating pasta and then freshly baked cookies.  So all in all, a decent end to the day.  

Though in doing all that I neglected to look at the coding things I was supposed to read over before tomorrow's meeting, so I'll get on doing that before bed.  I did have to postpone my meeting with Nancy until Wednesday, since the meeting tomorrow is definitely going to go into that also, from what roommate told me.  

I keep thinking stupid things, however, and wondering things I shouldn't be wondering.  Really, I want to stop it.  I also came up with an insane idea that would be really fucking...I don't know, weird - I suppose - of me to do.  But it'd be like a test, almost.  Not that I am going to actually do it, though.  I often think of things and then just wonder what it would be like to do them.

Also wow my second year of grad school is done.  Holy fuck.  It still hasn't exactly hit me, honestly.

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