Tuesday, May 6, 2014

As much as I don't want to skip agility today, since it is great for Callie and also gives me a chance to have a break and have some fun, I really do think it would be better for me to have that time to continue writing.  I could stay on campus after my session with Nancy, and I could stay in the office until 5 and just try and get more of this paper written.  I'll work on a few things with Callie alone perhaps, and just ask if I can make the class up another time.  I don't think he will mind.  I just think that I would be a bit less stressed if I did that instead of trying to cram that in with everything else I need to do today.

Plus, best friend is in Syracuse from Wisconsin and I want to have dinner with her at the very least.  I did ask if it were possible for her to come all the way down to Binghamton, since it probably is not the best of ideas for me to take an hour plus to drive to Syracuse and then have to drive back.  If she can't, I'll at least ask if maybe we can meet in Ithaca instead, since it is closer to me than Syracuse.  I really want to see her...I just have very limited time and everything.

Holy fuck this paper is bad, too.  I have a bunch of ideas that are cool and the topic is interesting and I can talk about it forever but trying to write it is, for some reason, really difficult for me at the moment.  Which is incredibly inconvenient when I am already behind on things.  Hopefully I can finish this draft, send it to my peer reviewer and professor, and hopefully get feedback and be able to make it better or something.

Bah.  I hate this time of year.  It is full of stress and self-loathing.  More than usual, that is.

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