Monday, May 19, 2014

I asked my roommate to read my paper about the FISA court, just to make sure it was ready to head to my problematic professor.  Him telling me that it was well-written, well-argued, and a really interesting idea with really interesting results was incredibly nice for me to hear.  It really has been rough trying to appease this professor, and so I really appreciate continued reiteration that his issues with it and with me seem to be unfounded.  It just helps, considering I usually sit around thinking that all my ideas are shit and executed like garbage.

Obviously, there are some things I still need to do to improve on it, such as the model and obtaining more sources to explain things better, but overall I don't think it deserved the negative reaction my professor originally gave it.

But hey, officially finished with year 2.  Oh damn.  Now I'm gonna sleep forever and try and take care of certain personal things that I have been neglecting for the past two weeks.

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