Friday, May 23, 2014


After going into the office to talk with someone quickly (which reminds me, I must send paper out tomorrow), and then fill out some paperwork and then I switched desks to one that was in the back of the same office.  I've been eyeing that desk for a while and it wasn't being given away because it was technically still someone else's, but we're all pretty sure she is completing her dissertation away from Bing.  Then took Callie to get bath and cleaned at Petsmart, and while waiting for her to finish I went out (./gasp) with people from my cohort.  It was nice, actually.

Then went back to the house, packed, and set sail for Long Island.

I'm super tired, otherwise I'd write more, but I will say this: I acknowledged a past demon of mine which hurt someone who didn't deserve it and apologized for it.  And he appreciated and thanked me, recognizing that it was the first time I ever brought it up.  I replied that I told myself that if I just ignored things, they would go away, though that isn't how things work and I'm slowly realizing that more and more.  But...despite that I was very nervous about bringing it up (as it was a main reason for something), I'm glad he appreciated it.

Like I said, more tomorrow.  (Also need to reply.  But sleepy.)

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