Sunday, May 25, 2014

Santa Barbara

Tonight, as a woman, I feel unsafe.

Really, I feel unsafe a lot of times, though less so when I have Callie with me wherever I go.  The presence of a big black dog at my side probably has helped at least once in preventing unwanted advances or conversations with me. 

But tonight especially, I feel unsafe. 

When a boy who is but a year younger than me decides that, because he has "been denied" sex and is still a virgin at 22, he will "slaughter" women "like animals."  

Yes, I did watch his video.  Part of me wishes I didn't.  Because it legitimately frightened me. 

Me.  Who has honestly not had as many terrible experiences as others have.  Who has been privileged enough to grow up with a family who loved her and who has been able to think of ways to escape violence, for the most part.  Who has successfully gotten away from people through polite words and smiles, giving them what they desire momentarily before making my escape.  Often, I have given my number out and then ignored texts which came to me.  (Really, I should not give out my real number at all.) 

But this idea that there are men out there who think like is scary.  Of course, it is not all, and I would never say that.  But there are a good portion of them.  And that police and the news would hide behind the mental illness card is infuriating.  Did he have a mental illness?  Maybe.  But using that instead of calling out him for what he is - an entitled misogynist who only saw women as objects to fuck - is ignoring so many problems in society.  It is ignoring the fact that there are plenty of men out there who feel as though they are entitled to sex, at any point, from women.  That if they say the right things or buy the right stuff or take her to the right places or whatever...that they have basically earned her.  A woman denying a man her body after he does these things is taking something away from him.  That is how people like this murdering piece of shit think.  And it is not as uncommon as people would like to think.  It really, really isn't. 

I have seen several men defending this human garbage.  Or somehow relating to him.  Saying that they "understand what it feels like."  Or MRAs jumping to defend their bullshit organization when he was indeed one of them, and also spewing garbage about how feminists are the real problem in society.  Or men telling women, when they comment about this shit, that they should have been in the crossfire.  Or men telling women that they should have just fucked this guy, cause then this would not have happened. 


This trash should not have open fired on innocent people because he couldn't get a girl to screw him.

Most likely, he was a fucking creeper, and everyone saw through it.  Guys who talk about how much they are gentlemen and are nice guys and shit never really are.  They use it to cover up for the fact that they are actually dickbags who think sex is owed to them.  That a woman is in the wrong just for not spreading her legs at their convenience.

Women are not objects.

We are people.   

And none of us owe anyone a fucking thing. 

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