Friday, December 19, 2014

LoK Finale

So I watched the ending of Legend of Korra.

I have feels right now.  So many of them.

Between the Korrasami being canon (which is hfsdkjfhdskjh) and Kuvira's backstory and how I just adore her (even though I don't think she got the full ending she deserved), I just have a lot of feels about this show.

I think even more than its predecessor.

I don't want it to be over, really.

In a weird way, Korra was one of the things that helped me through the semester and everything.  It was something I looked forward to every week.  "If I get through this week, I can watch Korra on Friday."

And in the beginning of this season, she had depression and PTSD and I identified so much with the former and that was comforting in a way.  Especially...I don't know.  I identified with her progression entirely; she went from being headstrong, confident, abrasive, and seemingly knowing exactly what she wanted, to having all of that stripped from her and her becoming depressed, not knowing what to do or how to handle it.  And...I once was like how she used to be.  I mean, I always had the self-doubt and the self-hate but...I was more confident than now at least.  And I knew what I wanted and did what I could to get it.  Now I'm...well, how I am.  I can only hope that, like Korra, I'll be able to get through everything and come out more balanced and stuff.

I know it is probably weird to be so...emotional, I guess, at the end of a series, but...I don't know.  It was one of the few things that even was able to help me feel emotions at times.  Sometimes I felt closer to those characters than I did/do to the real people I'm surrounded by.  Which I know is bad, also helped, in a weird way.

Korra, thank you, and I will miss you terribly.

(Art by cursedglass on tumblr.)

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