Saturday, January 25, 2014

While I understand that the cognition of canines is far inferior to that of us humans and therefore, they do not really understand the things we do or say sometimes...I really still hope that on some level, Callie understands how much I love and cherish her.  That it is much more than me being her 'alpha' or similar things that I am supposed to have her see me has.  I want her to understand that I would do anything for her, and I often tell her, "I hope you know how much I love you." 

In my session on Tuesday with Nancy, I told her that I never understood the strong bonds that people develop with their pets.  My lack of understanding was really always due to the fact that I never had a companion like that before.  But I understand now.  I would do more for Callie than I would for most humans in my life.  She means more to me.  She is my family and my best friend, really. 

I got all sentimental, probably because I am still feeling kind of down and sad, despite going to dinner with roommates and watching Once Upon a Time all day with them and stuff. 

But Callie is just...really important to me. 

When I think about doing bad things, she is usually the one I think about...because the notion of me leaving her is enough to stay my hand. 

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