Tuesday, January 21, 2014

So yes, I do not think things will be normal with the roommate unless I actually have a conversation with him.  Which, once again, I really do not feel like having all that much.  I tried to be lighthearted before and he just kind of...didn't respond as he would have normally.  And it is just awkward and tense, as I've repeatedly said.  While I want to sort this out before it gets worse, I don't want to talk about it.  I don't.

Though now I'm finding I'm getting annoyed already at little things.  Example - I decided to take Callie with me to the office since I figured Nancy would wanna see her and everything.  As I was trying to leave, Murray was trying to get out and kept running through the door and I had to catch him more than a few times.  Instead of calling his pup or coming up and helping me or anything, roommate just sat on the couch.  What if he slipped by me and ran out?  Somehow that would have been completely my fault, I just know it.

Another example - after coming in from outside twice, with salt and snow on the ground, roommate did not remove shoes and I just mopped the floors...what, the day before yesterday?  So now they are back to not looking like they were just cleaned at all and it is kind of really gross to me.  It is such a little thing to get annoyed about, but I guess I'm being hypersensitive right now or something.  

Plus the whole "let us leave all the fucking lights and television and Wii and everything on even though I am not even in the goddamn house," which is something I have repeatedly complained about and have repeatedly asked everyone to make note of, because it just wastes electricity and money and it isn't that fucking crazy of a request.

I should just live by myself.  I think this way more than I probably should.

Good news at least is that friend-guy is coming back today.  I might not be able to see him until tomorrow since he is driving for a long time and everything and will probably be really tired and all.

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