Monday, January 27, 2014


Surprisingly, I am currently excited about TAing the Research Methods and Statistics class, and I think it actually really helps that I have professors that think that I can do it and do it well and they are confident in me even though I am not so much myself.  That does feel good, actually.  To have that sort of support and everything.

And while I have that support, I also am allowed to do things my own way, which I think will be good to get me to actually learn some new things and teach things myself and everything.  It was suggested that maybe I might want to do a review of matrix algebra for the first workshop if I wanted to do it next week, and that might actually be something nice to start with, it being predominantly math rather than coding or anything like that.

So I'm looking through my linear textbook and all right now.

Probably, this excitement will go away once I start to get into things, especially since I know that this class will be a ton of work, much more than I put into any other class I've had to TA for, anyway.  But I don't want to let these guys down.  So I will try to keep pushing through, even on days where all I will want is to just stay in my bed and never ever come out.

Not surprisingly, though, I am really tired because I couldn't fall asleep last night.  Bawww.

...I wanna play more Diablo.

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