Friday, January 10, 2014

Many ex-related dreams happened last night, but right now I can't remember the details of them.  I know when I woke up at 6:30 I remembered and thought about popping on here to write something, but I changed my mind and went back to sleep until 11:40.  My sleep schedule is all out of whack.

So of course, in a somewhat meh mood today, though last night, friend was extremely sweet and helpful when I told him I was thinking bad things.  I feel guilty, because I worry him a lot...though I know he would say that helping is what friends do and that he is not going anywhere and that we will be friends for many many years.

I did request that if I become a burden or he wants to leave...he could just tell me, and not lie about it.  That was my request.  He said that I wouldn't, which I appreciated, but I also am skeptical about.  Not because of him, but because of past experiences.

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