Saturday, January 11, 2014

So, although I initially had to muster up the energy and everything to actually get out of the house and be social with a friend, I am glad I did it.  He and I went to lunch at the diner, where we stayed for two hours and just chatted about video games and stuff.  Then we went to his place and watched season 2 of Adventure Time until around 8, and then we went to Friendly's for more noms.  I was tired after that, so I went home to Callie, who was, of course, excited to see me.

It was actually really nice.

At Friendly's though, part of me wonders if I got too personal...we started talking about fighting games, and I remarked how I knew a decent amount about the Marvel fighting game scene just based on how many matches I watched in the past.  As in, for someone who has never played that game (aside from one time where I tried it...I just sucked), I know probably way more than I should.  What kinds of combos people use, what characters are usually played in competitions and tournaments, etc., etc.

Really, I just kind of wanted to play it because Phoenix is in it.  But at the same time, since I've watched too many competitive players play that, I'm not satisfied with sucking and all.  Even if it is just for fun.

Plus it gives me some angry feels. angry as I could get nowadays.  Not that I have tried to really play it or any other fighting game in a very long time, honestly.  And I'm okay with that.  They were never my forte or what I was really interested in.

I don't have the attention span (or time) to continually play enough of a game like that to get anywhere near tournament-level good, anyway.

But regardless of that topic, I had a nice time with him.

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