Friday, January 17, 2014

Of course the day where it is actually nice out and I could take Callie to the park...I do not have a car.  Sadface.  Though maybe my sister will be home from work earlier rather than later and we could go.  I could take the pup out for a nice long walk later, which would also be good for me and everything...

I'm still emotionally bleh, but nothing really new there.

Tomorrow I'm heading back to Binghamton and, like I said, I'm not that excited?  I'm worried about things between me and roommate; ever since his comment about me not caring I've been on edge with him even though maybe I shouldn't be, and it has been awkward and everything and I just don't really know how to handle it or what to do or anything like that.  And then I'm nervous about seeing friend, even though I really do want to see him.  I just don't know what is going on between us and I don't want to do anything stupid with him, especially if it is going to compromise work and everything.


Plus there is the whole idea of whether or not I am capable of having anything akin to a relationship right now.  My emotional state isn't exactly one I would like to pin on someone else.

I know I probably sound like a broken record in these entries, but.  Oh well.

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