Sunday, January 12, 2014


Today I took Callie to the park for three hours to let her run around and everything, and she had such a good time, and I talked to some really nice people and everything.

Friend is going through something and I feel like I can't help him as much as he helps me and therefore I am inadequate as a friend (not that that is a new revelation to me or anything).

...Bah.  Feeling kind of sad/lethargic right now but again that isn't anything new.

Why am I even writing I can't think of anything to say.

...I ate a lot of chips and dip this afternoon.  That was pretty sweet.

And I know I just brushed my teeth but.  I might nom cookies.  Because fuck you I want to.  Maybe.

Also I'm trying to get Ike's descendant in Fire Emblem an the level is hard as fuck if I want no one to die.  Also I kind of got super excite because Ike.

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