Friday, January 24, 2014

I don't know what is up with today, but no matter what I do I am bored and have that sad emptiness going on and I don't know how to fix it.  Maybe if I did something other than sit around and play Fire Emblem and watch Once Upon a Time, but I figured I was hanging with roommates so maybe it would have all been okay or something. still kind of wasn't?  And I have nothing really to be sad about today but I guess that comes with the condition and everything.  Even during days where there is no reason to be sad, it just kind of happens and nothing could fix it.  I took Callie out for long walks and even that just was me kind of walking aimlessly and without thinking about much other than bad things and all that great stuff.

Even my desire to text friend-guy has been nonexistent today, which is kind of weird.  And I don't think it would help at all.  There is something wrong with me and I can't put my finger exactly on it, but I guess that has been the problem with me for some time now. of the problems.  And I guess I can put my finger on some issues, but not all.  Not by a long shot.  And those are only speculations anyway.

Bah, I'm not making any sense.  My head is all jumbled.

Going out to dinner with roommates, so maybe that will help.  Kind of doubt it though.  It will probably be just me going through motions and acting like I feel better than I do.  Which is nothing new.  I do it all the time.  Sadly.

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