Friday, June 20, 2014

Trampoline Park

Today was spent in Albany with a super good friend whom I usually only see once or twice a year (Otakon is a definite; she and I have been going together since we started with that con).  We went to this super awesome trampoline park, which was fucking awesome and I felt like a kid (even though all the actual kids were showing me up like crazy because fuck I am out of shape and I have not been on a trampoline in a very long time).  But it was so great!  We only did an hour, which was enough for us both, honestly.  I really wish that place was closer to here, because that would be a fun way to get exercise in without it being a huge chore.  It would just be bouncing around a lot and it would be awesome.  But alas, it is two hours away.  I guess I can take people there on a Saturday or something for a fun trip away from Bing.

We then went to the Crossgates mall, really to walk around and chat and see if we could find any cosplay stuff for me.  Sadly, we were unsuccessful.  I was mainly looking for the boots; I would like nice ones because they will probably be a pair I would wear outside of cosplay purposes.  Because combat boots.  (Seriously, why do I only have one pair of those?)  I'll still look around here and online and see what I can find.  I do also need to invest in a wig, though I have sites for that.  The rest of the stuff, with the exception of the jacket, should be relatively simple to find.  I might have friend detail the shirt a bit, since there is some blue on her collar and pocket and cuffs (I think; I'll need to double check), but when I asked her she said that wouldn't be difficult.  The jacket might be weird, especially since she wears it oddly and it is somewhat specific, but I'm sure I could find that as well.  If not, then I might go with a lab coat instead, since Kurisu does also wear that and friend's friend already has one that I could maybe borrow.

Also part of me thought about adding a second character to my lineup this year, if I have the funds and everything.  I have never had more than one cosplay in a given year, so it could be fun to have multiple!

After mall, it was dinner with friend and her boyfriend, whom I have never met before, and I have to say I do approve.  He was funny, even if we disagreed on the merits of Korra.  But that is alright.  They seem good together, from what I saw, and as long as he makes her happy and treats her well and stuff, then he is more than okay by me.

Sent the thing, but due to moving, no in-person meeting will be able to occur.  Video call was offered, but it isn't the same, and I told myself previously that if I was going to confront, it would only be in person.  But now shit is tempting.  We'll see.  I'm leaning towards sticking to my guns though.  

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