Tuesday, June 24, 2014

I did not fall asleep until around 7 in the morning.  At 6 I decided to take Callie out for a 45 minute walk, because I knew if I fell asleep at that time I was not getting up until noon or later, and I didn't want her to wait that long.  Luckily, there were no dreams.  Maybe I was too exhausted or something, I don't know. 

Callie has a vet appointment at 2 and I need to spend my day coding, since I feel like I have been slacking on that.  I would like to also clean my room and start on the basement; I finished the kitchen and the living rooms, both of which look awesome now and I'm going to try and get everyone (myself included) to keep it that way. 

Last roommate comes home today with the Murrster.  Excite.

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