Saturday, June 7, 2014

I realized too late that today was National Doughnut Day and I did not get my free doughnut (with purchase) from DD.  Sadface.  Oh well.  I did eat a doughnut earlier today, one that was in my house, so at least I celebrated in that regard.

Today was filled with a ton of coding (though I still did not get as many actual cases done as I originally had hoped) and then I made sure I did day 2 of my 30-day challenges.  I did not get to watch any of season 2 of Orange is the New Black, but I was waiting for my mom and sister so I didn't want to get started without them.

I was/am still feeling kind of weird today but I did get meds refilled so hopefully tomorrow will be better because I'll take stuff that I should have been taking and haven't been because I suck.

...Eh.  I'm actually not in a very sharing mood right now.  Even to blog.

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