Monday, June 16, 2014

Had a good father's day with mi padre, who is as always wonderful and the best dude in my life ever ever ever.  I gave him a Game of Thrones-themed printed-out card from Etsy which he laughed at and enjoyed a whole lot.  I figured he would like that better than the stupid as shit ones I saw in stores.  Seriously I hated all the ones I picked up and looked at.  The internet always does much better.

I did also run out to the outlets with my mom and sister (I think dad liked having the house to himself for a bit too) to get some shit I needed.  Got a new bathing suit with watermelons on it!  I get too excited about watermelons on clothing because when I was younger I made a shirt with a big watermelon on it, with little ants and I wore that shit all the time and it was one of my faves.  So watermelons on clothing still makes me too happy.  Also got new sandals, woo.  Need that shiz for the cruise.

And then we nommed and after restaurant I got all of us ice cream and then watched GoT and then coded for a bit.

So a good day all-in-all.

Still thinking on the thing, but luckily I'll be able to talk with Nancy about it in two days.  (Even if I don't want to go back to Bing yet.  I just have to, really.)

Also figured out my cosplay:

Because fuck the past.  

I don't need an Okabe.

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