Sunday, June 22, 2014

At first I felt bad when I woke up at 10:45, because Callie sat there all patiently, waiting for me to get up and take her for a walk.  But then while we were on walk, we saw the German Shepherd twins and a Golden Retriever who lives next to them, and so she was able to play with them off leash for a while.  She is getting better at that, which is good, because I really would like for her to run around without me being afraid she is going to go anywhere.  Usually she is okay.  She did, however, see two other dogs and run to them at points, but she came back.  I told everyone that she is still in the training process when it comes to recalls; my most effective recall training has so far been with agility, and we haven't been able to go to class in about a month.  But I do plan on texting our trainer and letting him know that we should be back on Tuesday!  Just as long as Callie's vet appointment doesn't last too long, since it starts at 2 and agility is at 4.

We'll see.  Maybe I'll tell him that I may or may not be there depending on vet.

I've also spent my day cleaning, specifically kitchen.  And even more specifically, the fridge.  My god the amount of expired crap in there was gross, and I could definitely tell that no one actually has cleaned it in a while.  I had to pull out the yellow rubber cleaning gloves.  I plan on doing the rest of the kitchen, and maybe the bathroom, but the kitchen is a project and a half.  I said yesterday that I was basically going to gut it, and that is still my plan, because it fucking needs it desperately.  I just am breaking for a bit to enjoy some soda and reading and maybe some food because I haven't been able to pick up A Clash of Kings in too long.

Still obviously thinking about some personal stuff.  Maybe I'll write about it later.

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