Wednesday, June 25, 2014

I'm still feeling weird.  Uncomfortable.  Sad, somewhat.  Blank.  Wanting things but knowing I can't do them right now.  Realizing I'm still not doing much with my time other than working, really.  And worrying about my own work and how I haven't done any of that due to coding, and how I should actually start doing that or making a plan to do that or whatnot.

Also I stupidly did not schedule my next appointment with Nancy and I kind of really want to get in there because I swear sometimes I think having my sessions with her is really the greatest contributor to my relative level of sanity, and not going weekly when I am up here might not be the best of ideas.  I'll need to email her tomorrow or something.  Maybe she could see me on Thursday.

Really, I should take more time to myself, or at least to do my own research instead of coding.  We are really only supposed to devote 20 hours a week but I feel like I do more.  Not that I have the results to show for it; I'm getting faster but it still takes a while sometimes.  Luckily I'm almost done with Mauritius, which will be my fourth country finished.  I'm saving South Africa for last since that one is probably going to be the most extensive.

Also I want a tattoo.  Damn my decreasing funds and my own nervousness to do certain shit for no particular reason.

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