Sunday, June 8, 2014

I started A Clash of Kings, but I didn't get very far into it before I decided that I should continue coding, which takes a long time for me right now.  I am hoping that I can get faster, but I did at least finish Lesotho tonight.  Finally, I can move on to another country.  Madagascar should be the next; I actually did start it but hit a problem around 2002-2003, and then stopped to get an answer to a vital question.  Got the answer, so I can go back to that.  Not gonna lie, I am delaying South Africa because I know that shit is going to be a lot and I want to get better at weeding through the articles before I go there.  Lesotho was a good place to start, and hopefully Madagascar will keep that trend so I can figure out how to do things before I hit the big places.

While I know that my parents support me and everything, I do get self-conscious about letting them know a lot of stuff, and I don't like the looks I sometimes get when I talk about my meds.  Apparently, they did not know I was on two different prescriptions, and my mom started asking what the second one was for.  However, the way she asked was...somewhat judgmental.  Maybe I'm reading too much into it.  And then my dad asked at dinner if my doctor examines me before he writes the scripts and I had to outline how many times I see him when I'm on campus.  Once a week with Nancy, and once every two weeks or so with him.  I tried to not think about it too much, but it does sometimes bother me.

But I have still been in my decent mood overall, at least.  Truthfully it has diminished a little, but not too much for it to be worrisome right now.  Again, I really do think that getting sucked into Game of Thrones/ASoIaF has helped, as nerdy as that sounds.  A fantasy world I can escape to and become absorbed in whenever I am starting to feel sad or starting to think about past things or starting to worry about future and lamenting about romance failures and is kind of awesome.

The coding also distracts my mind, but I become more blank and mindless when I do that.  Emotionally, I mean.  I'm focused on the task at hand but I don't feel emotionally engaged at all.  It is different when I read these books.

I'm being nerdy, don't mind me.

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