Friday, June 27, 2014

Ended up picking up one of the roommates (previously known as 'roommate's boyfriend,' but that feels like a wrong description since he is a roommate himself) from the bar because he had been tricked into going when he actually did not want to.  He had texted me saying that he wasn't surprised (we were talking about stuff yesterday), and that he didn't know they were going to a bar, since it was just called a 'surprise' to him, and later it was said that he wasn't told it was a bar until the last minute because he would not have agreed to go.  So, I offered to get him if he wanted to get out of there, because I understand being dragged to a place you really don't want to go, and then having no means of escape when you get there.

That sort of tactic is really angering to me, because it shows a level of manipulation that seems somewhat familiar to me and thus I really do not like it.  My friend doing that to his boyfriend makes that notion leave an ever sourer taste in my mouth, since I don't like to think that the people I choose to be friends with would do something like that.

I know I should not get too involved in the relationships of others, but part of me would like to say something to friend about how shitty that was.  Because I really do think that was terrible; it shows a lack of acknowledgement for his partner's feelings, basically tricking and then guilting him into doing something he just did not want to.  The idea of them doing separate things tonight just did not occur to him.

Maybe I'm taking this too personally, but I just did not like that that happened.  It was really messed up to me.

So, after I picked him up (I had brought the pups because they were good and I figured they would like the ride), we ended up going to the ice cream stand I frequented with Callie the year before.  (Upon seeing the place, she went nuts, because she knew what it was and why we were there.  It was actually really cute but also made it somewhat difficult to control her.  Girl loves her ice cream.)  I bought, and then we just chatted there and then took the pups for a walk when we got home, and kept talking for some time.

I just hope his boyfriend doesn't get all huffy with either of us.

Got an appointment tomorrow with Nancy, which is good.  I've been feeling weird lately and today was kind of listless and shit when I was not reading.  Hooray.  I'll ask her about her opinions on video stuff, though part of me is thinking that the moment has passed, and that is a compromise I originally said I would not take.  Either in person or nothing.

Maybe I should just not bother.  It isn't as though anything would change anyway.  I mean, I did think that it would help me, and on some level I still do, but maybe the possible benefit isn't worth the probable cost.


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