Thursday, June 26, 2014

I find it funny that even though I keep saying that I do not want to go to bars for a multitude of reasons (number 1 being that I can't/don't want to drink, making them less than ideal for me), roommates always seem disappointed when I elect to not go out with them when they go to hang out with people at bars.  Instead of, oh I don't know, offering a different place once in a while to hang out and everything, they just always do bars and the like.  And then wonder why I don't want to go out most of the time.

Other shit does exist.

Not gonna lie, I was hoping that my not-cohort-roommate would stay, because I think he has found the constant bar-going tiring, and I was going to see if he maybe wanted to see a movie together.  But alas, he went with, so I'm by myself with the pups and the kitty.  It is no wonder that I have been more comfortable in the presence of animals than people in recent months (/year, probs).

Part of me now also doesn't want to go to a bar on principle.  I keep saying I want to do something else, and people keep saying that we should and will hang out somewhere different but we never do.

I know I'm kind of just pouting and stuff, but it really is rather annoying to me.

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