Sunday, June 8, 2014

idk why this is in poem format


I hate finding things out.

Derp derp.

Blowing through girlfriends.

Moving in with one.

Still makes me feel clammy.

Because I suck.

Also I need to stop looking.

And just be happy.

That I didn't fall into that.

But whatever.

West coast is far from here.

And far from me.

Maybe by being so far away.

I'll be able to forget.

And finally put the past behind.

Because the past isn't worth my thoughts.

He isn't worth my time.

Or my hatred.

Or my love.

I hate that days go by where memories remain.

I hate that days go by where I think of reconciliation.

I hate that I still have yet to have a connection as strong.

When he has had three since.

Forget him.

Forget his lies, because that is all he ever told you.

Except maybe one time, when he said that he didn't love you.

Because judging from everything...

That is the only thing that has ever seemed true.

What I did meant nothing.

How I felt meant nothing.

I am nothing to him.

He unfortunately is still not nothing to me.

Despite that it has been years.

And all I want is to stop.

Forget about his face.

Forget about the sweet words which were poison.

And the promises which were lies.

I suppose you never forget your first.

Though it is the first I wish I never had.

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