Sunday, October 5, 2014

Wolf dream

Okay, so I said I would talk about the dream and since I'm feeling weird since college roommate left, I figure I can do that instead of work on stuff for the time being.

I don't know if I need to trigger warning stuff like this?  But it is kind of gross and intense and disturbing.

At first, the dream was as if I was like...floating above, watching everything happen.  I saw a big wolf cornering the ex in this black wasn't really a room.  It was just darkness all around.  And the wolf had brown eyes and looked somewhat wounded, but was still able to walk and fight.  I watched as it cornered him, almost looking larger and larger as it got closer.  I know he was frightened, but he did well to not show it that much.  He was trying to appease the wolf as if she were a dog, but obviously it wasn't working.

In a flash, the wolf lunged at one of his legs, I guess in anticipation of him trying to run away.  And rather than just bite at it, she tore off a huge chunk of flesh, leaving him crippled on the ground.  As he tried crawling away, she lunged again and attacked his right hand - specifically his fingers (aka - what he uses to play fighting games), tearing off a few of them and tossing them to the side.  It was as if they were too disgusting for her to even eat.

But then, my perspective started changing.  Instead of looking down at this happening, I suddenly was seeing things through the eyes of the wolf.  But I wasn't entirely a wolf anymore.  Instead, as he was trying to crawl away, I slowly followed him, transforming into my human shape and looking down at him.  And I hated him.  I loathed him with every fibre of my being.  I had wounds as the wolf had - old scars all over my flesh, as well as new open sores that had only begun to heal (or not even started at all).  

As I walked closer toward him, he started screaming about how sorry he was.  That he was wrong.  He tried appealing to me by calling me 'Awwie' at one point, which just set me off, as I crushed the fingers of his left hand under my boot, feeling and hearing the bone crunch underneath.

He was sobbing at this point, and I knelt down to meet him at his level.  I stared at him, and gently took his face into my hands.  But my expression held that same hatred, but also became mixed with severe sadness.  Old wounds started bleeding again.  I held that position for a bit, and I remember some tears falling from my eyes, though my vision never blurred.

"No, you're not sorry.  You never were."  Those were the last words I said before my head transformed back into the wolf's, and my teeth tore at his neck.

And that was it.  I woke up after that.

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