Thursday, October 9, 2014

My dad is going to be doing some work on the computers up here on campus on Tuesday, so we are going to nom lunch and dinner together and that should be very nice for me.

I've still been feeling weird ever since my weird emotional break the other day.  Like, I haven't felt like I'm on that edge, but I also haven't felt good, despite I guess how I might be acting.  It is almost an apathy, but even that doesn't quite capture it.  Resilience, perhaps?  I'm not sure.  All I know is that I have been a little calmer, but not necessarily in a good way, if that makes sense.  I have no idea if it does; it is weird to describe.

There is this sense of doom hanging over me, like I know something terrible is about to happen.  But I guess I do not care all that much anymore?  It has hit that point, where I just don't think I care about anything again.  Fun.

I've been told I have a high tolerance for stress and stuff.  That I don't take care of myself because I don't realize I'm reaching the limit until I am right there, about to go over.  And therefore I need to be more proactive in doing things to de-stress.    

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